2024-10-12 14:25:40


The server was moved from Intel NUC [x86]  to Phicomm N1[aarch64].


s.ciscohe.cc was set up for V2Ray test.


Optimized the loading speed for WordPress;

Set up a music searching engine for s.ciscohe.cc;

The knowledge of SSL protocol and encryption were learnt;   

A new article was written;

404 error page and 502 error page were redesigned and they   

can redirect to home page correctly by revising nginx config to :'error_page 404 \404/;'.


Added IP block for WordPress login - enhancing the security;

Removed KodBox(KodCloud) - enhancing the security;

Removed PHP 73;

Changed some files' ownership carelessly and accidentally

but it was probably fixed;

Detected some unusual user agent (UA): go-http-client/1.1 --> Block

by returning HTTP 403;

Enhanced the security by adding some nginx config.


Tried to add 'jquerry' --> developing;

Removed the game 'yuenlongmelon': nobody plays this game anymore;

Added anti-download media link --> setting up ./steal/

However, it does not work probably --> users still having capacity to

download photos;

Web log checked. 'go-http-client/1.1' UA no longer gets this website;

DDNS log checked.


--setting up web Onedrive--

--setting up web office--

--changing a new theme for WordPress--

--Regular system reboot scheme--

Development will assume on 19 FEB 2021


Two articles were written;

Changed the WordPress theme;

Everything looks fine.


!!!Reinstalled system!!!

Optimized WordPress -- New Theme: Argon has been used;

Moved WordPress directory to /blog;

Added redirection for /wordpress --> /blog


Added Drive --> /drv.


Revised home page.


Changed new WordPress Wallpaper -->Bing

 16-03-2021 21:00 -- 17-03-2021 03:30 

!!!The server was moved from Phicomm N1[aarch64] to HK1 Box[aarch64]!!!



Changed new Bing wallpaper API [upgraded to UHD]


Fixed failure of loading some photos in the blog

New photos are no longer stored in the server.

They are now stored in /drv [OneIndex]

New article is written

Known issue: the server is slower than before since an extension was installed

The time used to load the webpage is much longer -- trying to optimize the extension

BT server is running OK

V2Ray is running OK


Changed background color to #2C3E50 RGB: 44, 62, 80

CDN is cancelled. The webpage runs back to its original speed.


Planning to register polyu.ciscohe.cc which will show my work in PolyU.

Revised /main page and add some links

Changed /main to /home

Changed personal description in ./ page

BT, V2Ray look OK

Tried to make WeChat Bot but failed due to Tencent Inc.'s restrictions


Renewed SSL certifications

Everything looks OK

Planning to buy a new power charger for the server in order to increase its stability

Set up polyu.ciscohe.cc


Changed A domain to ciscohe.cc now!

Added redirection so that ciscohe.cc will be connected if cc.ciscohe.cc is requested


A lot of updates:

Set up 2 Oracle servers (San Jose) which are FREE (spent plenty of life time)

Set up a company website by using WordPress (spent plenty of sleeping time)

Use HK1Box as proxy to communicate with the company website

---solved the problem mainland clients being unable to request the web host---

---HK1Box's heat emission is greatly decreased---

Add a fan to HK1Box --- the temperature greatly decreases

---Now set the CPU frequency at always 2100MHz---

HK1Box is now more stabilized and faster

BT and V2Ray is working well

My head is losing hair :(


Set XTLS/Xray? I don't know -- VMESS is working

Try to find other free DNS providers which provide faster DNS resolution


***Moved server from Ubuntu Focal to Debian Buster***

Kernel updated


Upgraded to PHP 80. The host is now faster.

Moved /drv to drive.ciscohe.cc (74) because there are some errors after upgrading to PHP 80

Added redirection for such changes


Kernel updated

Due to some issues, drive is closed temporarily -- some pictures posted on WordPress

may not be able to show.

Added KMS server -- you can test it -- not for commercial use!!!


Updated servers to Debian 11 (Bullseye)

/etc/apt/sources.list appears:

#deb [arch=arm64,armhf] http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/debian buster main contrib non-free

#deb [arch=arm64,armhf] http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/debian buster-updates main contrib non-free

#deb [arch=arm64,armhf] http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/debian buster-backports main contrib non-free

#deb [arch=arm64,armhf] http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/debian-security/ buster/updates main contrib non-free

deb [arch=arm64,armhf] http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/debian bullseye main contrib non-free

deb [arch=arm64,armhf] http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/debian bullseye-updates main contrib non-free

deb [arch=arm64,armhf] http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/debian bullseye-backports main contrib non-free

deb [arch=arm64,armhf] http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/debian-security/ bullseye-security/updates main contrib non-free


Shocked. The upgrade of DIVI nearly killed Phila's operation...

Downgraded it from 4.10 to 4.9.7

These few days learned how to upgrade Linux distro


Learned how to compile Linux kernel. Thanks to Flippy,

as I want to install Anbox in Debian and run Android on it

However, it failed. GPU does not work much

Uninstalled desktop environment


Compiled Linux kernel again:

Linux HK1Box 5.13.12-flippy-kernel-ciscohe-2++ #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Aug 24 16:16:29 HKT 2021 aarch64

Credits to Flippy's kernel. Thanks to his guideline. His Github source code:



Damn. SSD broken. My server reinstalled again :(


Migrating the server to the self-compiled Ubuntu OS. Old Debian always panic & I don't figure out the reason.


It is very strange to oberserve that the SD card I/O speed is decreased hugely (~20%). I can't figure out the reason. But if the server is not going to panic any more I'll not solve it beause of time allowing


Updated kernel version to 5.16.2


Updated kernel version to 5.16.3


Updated kernel version to 5.16.4

Server was strange to overload yesterday.


Updated to Flippy's kernel of version 5.15.18

Updated kernel version to self-compiled 5.15.18 (LTS):

Linux HK1Box 5.15.18-arm-64 #21.11.0 SMP PREEMPT Tue Feb 1 16:28:43 HKT 2022 aarch64

Server always stopped response idk why. Maybe it's related to Flippy's kernel

At 7:30 p.m.: recompiled the latest kernel again:

Linux HK1Box 5.15.18-arm-64 #21.11.0 SMP PREEMPT Tue Feb 1 19:28:25 HKT 2022 aarch64


Updated kernel to 5.15.19:

Linux HK1Box 5.15.19-cisco.hk1box.2022.02-arm-64 #21.11.0 SMP PREEMPT Wed Feb 2 17:33:47 HKT 2022 aarch64


Final self-compiled kernel is brought out (clang + LTO). HK1Box used 4 hours to compile it:

Linux HK1Box 5.15.19-cisco.hk1box.2022.02 #8 SMP PREEMPT Fri Feb 4 03:37:06 HKT 2022 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux

Kernel will update every month


Add proxy to OneDrive Index, Google fonts:



Optimized the website so mainland can request the website faster.

Optimized WordPress Wallpaper: switching to Bing(China) wallpaper



Recorded a machine halt on 7 Apr. It's believed that the power cable was disconnected. [no power supply]

The self-compiled kernel is very stable and has operated for over 30 days.

New kernel (5.17) is scheduled and will be updated today afternoon.

Update kernel:

Linux HK1Box 5.17.1-CiscoHE-arm64-2022.04 #3 SMP PREEMPT Fri Apr 8 17:06:26 HKT 2022 aarch64

(The server looks faster now)


1. Develop a dotnet web

2. Develop an online playable game


Till now the server has operated for 32 days. The stability is garanteed.

The website: "SharePoint" and "Fonts" are recovered due to outdated SSL sert.

The server is going to upgrade from Hirsute (21.04) to Jammy Jellyfish (22.04 LTS)

Kernel will be recompiled after 5.18 is released.


Server full-upgraded to Jammy Jellyfish (22.04 LTS) smoothly


Constructed a Minecraft Server


The server was stopeed as I moved the server from ARM64 to x86_64 back

HK1Box is good, but the disk I/O is too slow QAQ

I tried to flash Linux system into emmc but it didn't work...

The server bootloader was also broken... I have to fix it

To make things easier, simpler and more convenient, x86 system is still a good alternative.

Planning: setting up ZeroTier Moon server.


drive.ciscohe.cc has been broken for some weeks... Finally it's fixed!


OneDrive Server is dead now

The blog is now unable to display any media files in my articles

will fix it in August


The server is moving to a superbly good server now! Beelink N5105 [x86]

The performance is very close to old Core i5


Renew some ssl websites

security improved


Created private-drive.ciscohe.cc for personal storage use. Nice.

Upgrade Linux Kernel to 6.0


Finally finish 70% of my Midterm~

The blog media (OneDrive Server) now reoperates! (19-07-2022 -> 15-10-2022)


Happy new year! Now, "prive-drive." and "t." domains ssl are updated.


Preparing to research methods on how to apply AI trained model in this server (endpoint).


Update /home as I created a new home page for school's assignment.


GPT3.5-turbo API is now there in chat.ciscohe.cc --> best studying friend/assistant


dhclient -r && dhclient every week to retrieve IP address regularly


THe Server is UPDATED to EQ12 PRO! i3-N305 has 2x faster speed than N5105!

 April-December 2023 

1. front-end and back-end updates on chat.ciscohe.cc

2. ChatGPT APIs are driven by One-API (auto.ciscohe.cc)

3. Some attempts on designing Python automatical update scripts for PandoraNext

4. Added Jellyfin for personal movie centers

5. Acquired the use of Docker (finally)

6. Updated few blogs

7. Fixed many server's minor issues


Added pdf.ciscohe.cc for editing PDF files conveniently. (Docker-->justsong/one-api:latest)

Last time I almostly couldn't submit my FIP interim report as our department cannot receive >10MB PDF files and this just nearly killed me in the last minutes...

This website will be useful for myself

I'm tired of maintainig chat.ciscohe.cc. If the paid APIs are over, they'll end. (I donated almost 150CNY for these)

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